CIIE Visitor: Frank Møller Aarestrup

As part of our Visiting Scientists Scheme CIIE is hosting a visit from Professor Frank Aarestrup, head of Genomic Epidemiology at National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark.

On 21st March 2016 at 3.35 p.m. in Lecture Theatre 3, Ashworth Labs our visitor will give a seminar entitled "Global infectious disease surveillance - why and how?"

Infectious diseases including antimicrobial resistance continues to impose a major burden on global human health and with pathogens and AMR spreading more rapidly due to increased trade and travel. Real-time detection, characterisation and sharing of infectious disease data is essential to get ahead of the epidemic curve and implement appropriate measures. We have been and are involved in a number of initiatives for sharing data globally and I will during this talk present some thourghts on how to move forward.



Should you wish to talk to Frank, he is based in CIIE Fellows office (Ashworth 2, 4.02).


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