
Malaria vaccine development paves way for protective therapy

Scientists have made a significant contribution towards the development of a vaccine to prevent malaria.

Researchers have tested a preliminary form of a vaccine against the disease, which is spread by the bite of the mosquito and kills more than 600,000 people each year.

Professor Alex Rowe wins C.A. Wright Memorial Medal

Professor Alex Rowe is to be awarded the C. A. Wright medal from the British Society for Parasitology at their meeting in Cambridge in April. This is awarded to "recognise outstanding contributions to the discipline of parasitology".

£2.5 m bid to develop new drugs to target sleeping sickness

An initiative is under way to develop new drugs for a devastating tropical disease that threatens almost 70 million people in Africa.

Scientists are beginning a £2.5 million project to design novel treatments for sleeping sickness, which is spread by the bite of the tsetse fly and is prevalent in west and central Africa. It can damage the nervous system and cause coma, organ failure and death.

Drug alternatives to antibiotics may not be perfect, study shows

New types of drug intended for use in place of antibiotics have been given a cautious welcome by scientists.

Researchers have been probing the long-term effectiveness of drugs currently being developed by the pharmaceutical industry. These work by limiting the symptoms caused by a bug or virus in the body, rather than killing it outright.

CIIE Director doing a Fundraising Firewalk

After the roaring success of last November’s fundraising firewalk the University of Edinburgh is hosting a second firewalk in February.

The firewalk has been organised to enable researchers, staff, students and supporters to raise money for a University project that is particularly close to their heart.

Silencing signals sent by parasite could aid sleeping sickness fight

A new discovery by scientists could help combat the spread of sleeping sickness.

Insights into how the parasites that cause the disease are able to communicate with one another could help limit the spread of the infection. 

Autumn BioPOD Episode available!

The latest episode of BioPOD is now available and includes features from CIIE members.
In this episode, BioPOD finds out about begging in beetles and altruism in guppies as well as rams on St. Kilda and the famous Edinburgh alumni Dr. James Young Simpson.

Keith Matthews to become Head of IIIR

CIIE's director, Professor Keith Matthews, has agreed to take on the role of Head of Institute of Immunology & Infection Research.
The appointment is for three years and it starts on 1st January 2014.  

Mark Woolhouse quoted by The Observer

CIIE's Mark Woolhouse quoted in The Observer's feature about emerging infectious diseases.
Alok Jha's feature follows scientists on the hunt for the next big pandemic.

Holograms offer hope in fight against malaria, study suggests

Scientists have developed a 3D filming technique that could help inform research to stem the spread of malaria.

Creating moving digital holograms of malaria sperm has given researchers fresh insights into the behaviour of these tiny life forms. 

Clean living is a luxury wild animals can’t afford, study suggests

Domestic animals will choose to steer clear of dirt – but their wild cousins can’t be so picky and may be at increased risk of disease as a result.

A study of wild mice, conducted in Amy Pedersen's lab, has shown that they prefer to sleep and eat near to used nesting material and droppings left by other mice.

Time is in the eye of the beholder

International collaboration of scientists led by Trinity College Dublin and including CIIE’s Dr Luke McNally and researchers from the University of St Andrews has shown that animals’ ability to perceive time is linked to their pace of life.

The rate at which time is perceived varies across animals.

CIIE Winter Symposium: Beyond killing: new ways to manage infection

We are pleased to announce that the CIIE Winter Symposium Beyond killing: new ways to manage infection will be held on Monday, 2nd December 2013 in Lecture Theatre 3, Ashworth Laboratories, University of Edinburgh.

This will be an all-day event.

CIIE represented at the second Wellcome Trust Joint Infectious Disease Research Initiative Scotland meeting

On 20th September 2013, the second meeting between the Wellcome Trust funded Centres of Infection Research was held in Glasgow.

These meetings, instigated by CIIE last year, aim to bring together the major Trust-funded Centres in Scotland in an interactive forum in order to encourage dialogue and collaborations.

Mark Woolhouse's comment quoted on BBC website

CIIE's Mark Woolhouse has been quoted by BBC in a feature regarding a recent paper by researchers from Sangers Institute.

Their study shows that livestock may have been wrongly blamed as being the source of a type of drug-resistant salmonella. They examined the DNA from 373 humans and animals infected with a specific type of salmonella collected by a Scottish lab over 22 years. The genetic profiles of the infections in humans and animals were very different.
