CIIE Winter Symposium: Beyond killing: new ways to manage infection

We are pleased to announce that the CIIE Winter Symposium Beyond killing: new ways to manage infection will be held on Monday, 2nd December 2013 in Lecture Theatre 3, Ashworth Laboratories, University of Edinburgh.

This will be an all-day event.

The antibiotic pipeline is running dry and the problem of infectious disease is as threatening now as it has ever been. The 21st century has seen some innovative and effective approaches to manage disease without the aid of traditional antibiotics. These include disabling virulence of the pathogenic organism, inducing tolerance to the pathogen in the host, altering the protective commensal microbiota and even psychological treatment to capitalise on the placebo effect. Important questions accompany this new endeavour. For example, what molecular mechanisms will enable these approaches and what are their long term evolutionary consequences? Please join us to collate and discuss the latest ideas in this field.



09:00    Registration/Coffee
09:30    Welcome
09:35    Nicholas Humphrey, London School of Economics/Cambridge University - The placebo effect: an evolutionary perspective
10:10    Judi Allen, CIIE - Worm killing and Wound repair: Flip sides of the same coin
10:45    Miguel Soares, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia - Tissue damage control disentangles resistance and tolerance to infectious diseases in animals
11:20    Coffee
11:50    David Schneider, Stanford - Warping the shape of an immune response
12:25    Andrea Wilson, Roslin Institute - Vive la rèsistance? Exploiting host genetic defences to conquer infections
13:00    Lunch
14:10    Rolf Kuemmerli, University of Zurich - Extracellular quenching of public goods as an evolutionary robust antibacterial treatment
14:45    Mike Brockhurst, University of York - Evolution and ecology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in chronic infections of the cystic fibrosis lung
15:20    Coffee
15:50    Kayla King, Oxford University - What's your gut feeling? Pathogens drive evolution of probiotic gut bacteria in C. elegans
16:25    Trevor Lawley, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute - Clostridium difficile disease and transmission
17:00    Drinks Reception






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